Delta Gatti
Mega Altaria will be returning to Pokemon GO’s Mega Raids. This Mega Pocket Monster will be featured in GO’s Mega Raids from Saturday, December 9, 2023, 10 am local time through Saturday, December 16, 2023, 10 am local time. You have an entire week to add this Pokemon to your collection. Note that Mega Altaria will put up a solid fight as a Mega Raid Boss.
So, beating it by yourself will be an uphill task. It is advisable to have a couple of trainers assist you in the Mega Altaria Raids. However, if you live in a secluded area or somewhere without a lot of active Pokemon GO players, soloing this raid will be your last resort.
In this article, we will take a look at how you can prepare for the Mega Altaria Raids. With the right counters and a healthy quantity of healing items, you might be able to solo defeat Mega Altaria in the upcoming five-star Mega Raids.
Can you solo defeat Mega Altaria in Pokemon GO five-star Raids?
Mega Altaria is a Dragon- and Fairy-type Pocket Monster. As a result, this legendary beast is vulnerable to the following elemental typings:
- Poison
- Steel
- Ice
- Fairy
The dual elemental typing of Mega Altaria makes it resistant to the following types of creatures:
- Bug
- Dark
- Dragon
- Electric
- Fighting
- Fire
- Grass
- Water
Being a five-star Mega Raid boss, Mega Altaria will have a Combat Power (CP) of 34,320. The critter does not have an impressive Attack or Defense stat. With an Attack stat of 187, Mega Altaria will not be the hardest-hitting raid boss. Its Defense stat of 184 won't be a cause for concern either.
That said, Mega Altaria can be easily dealt with in GO’s current Mega Raids, regardless of whether you have a proper raid party or are all alone. Below, we will tell you what counters you can use and some of their best moves to help you deal with this Mega monster.
How to defeat Mega Altaria Raids alone in Pokemon GO
If you want to test your luck at solo defeating Mega Altaria, you must have a raid party with maxed-out Poison-, Steel-, Ice-, and Fairy-type Pocket Monsters. Here are some recommended counters you can use against Mega Altaria:
- Shadow Metagross
- Mega Gardevoir
- Mega Gengar
- Metagross
- Shadow Excadrill
- Mega Beedrill
- Mega Diancie
- Shadow Mamoswine
- Nihilego
- Shadow Gengar
- Shadow Gardevoir
- Mega Rayquaza
- Shadow Mewtwo
- Shadow Regigigas
- Shadow Granbull
Mega Altaria’s Combat Power is below 40,000. So, if you have high-level counters while going into these Mega Raids, defeating Mega Altaria alone will be a breeze in Pokemon GO.
Your best bet is to time your dodges while fighting Mega Altaria in the ongoing Mega Raids. After a couple of moves, you will see a pattern in Mega Altaria’s attacks. Make sure you dodge the Charged Attacks coming from this monster.
Mega Altaria can use the following moves:
- Fast moves: Peck and Dragon Breath
- Charged moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Dragon Pulse, and Sky Attack.
After you dodge the Charged moves, you will have a window to use your own Charged moves against this monster. Using some of the counters above, you can damage Mega Altaria with Charged moves like Meteor Mash, Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Bomb, Avalanche, and Glaciate.
Once you defeat Mega Altaria, you will have an encounter with Altaria. You will get 200 Mega Altaria Energy. You can use this Mega Energy to evolve Altaria into Mega Altaria in Pokemon GO.
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