Shelf Brackets Screwfix (2024)

1. Shelf Brackets

  • 150 mm Shelf Brackets

  • Buy Shelf Brackets at Choose from heavy duty to floating shelf. Varied styles and colours available. Thousands of customer product reviews.

2. Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Silver 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack - Screwfix

  • Strong, curved shape shelf bracket with scratch-resistant powder coating. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create contemporary ...

  • Order online at Strong, curved shape shelf bracket with scratch-resistant powder coating. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create contemporary style wall shelving. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Silver 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack - Screwfix

3. Select Adjustable Shelf Bracket Silver 72mm x 65mm - Screwfix

Select Adjustable Shelf Bracket Silver 72mm x 65mm - Screwfix

4. Twin Slot Shelving | Brackets - Screwfix

  • Brackets · Black (3) · White (21) · 800 mm Twin Slot Shelving

  • Buy Twin Slot Shelving at Uprights, brackets & shelf boards available to create customised storage space. Click & Collect from stores nationwide.

5. Essentials Arc Shelf Brackets Silver 230mm x 180mm 4 Pack - Screwfix

  • Contemporary, curved shape decorative brackets. Strong metal construction with scratch-resistant powder coating. For use in pairs, can be combined with any ...

  • Order online at Contemporary, curved shape decorative brackets. Strong metal construction with scratch-resistant powder coating. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create traditional cottage style wall shelving. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

Essentials Arc Shelf Brackets Silver 230mm x 180mm 4 Pack - Screwfix

6. Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Chrome 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack

  • Order Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Chrome 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack at FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

  • Order online at Strong, curved shape shelf bracket with chrome-plated finish. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create contemporary style wall shelving. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Chrome 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack

7. Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Black 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack (178VJ)

  • Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Black 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack (178VJ) ... Strong, curved shape decorative shelf bracket with scratch-resistant powder coating. For use ...

  • Order online at Strong, curved shape decorative shelf bracket with scratch-resistant powder coating. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create contemporary style wall shelving. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Black 180mm x 180mm 4 Pack (178VJ)

8. Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Brushed Brass 180mm x ... - Screwfix

  • Strong, curved shape shelf bracket with lacquered brushed brass finish. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create contemporary style ...

  • Order online at Strong, curved shape shelf bracket with lacquered brushed brass finish. For use in pairs, can be combined with any shelf board to create contemporary style wall shelving. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

Essentials Cove Shelf Brackets Brushed Brass 180mm x ... - Screwfix

9. Essentials Folding Shelf Brackets White 380mm x 300mm 2 Pack

  • Order Essentials Folding Shelf Brackets White 380mm x 300mm 2 Pack at Screwfix customers rate this product 5/5. FREE next day delivery ...

  • Order online at Ideal for use with wood shelving to make a breakfast bar or laptop table. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.

Essentials Folding Shelf Brackets White 380mm x 300mm 2 Pack
Shelf Brackets Screwfix (2024)


How much of a shelf should be supported by bracket? ›

The size of the shelf will determine the length of the bracket necessary to support it. The bracket should be at least 2/3 the length of the shelf to support it. For example, if your shelf is 36 inches long, then a 24-inch bracket will be sufficient.

How far should a shelf overhang a bracket? ›

Ensure shelves are properly sized to the brackets used — the front edges of shelves should not overhang the lips on the end of the bracket and the ends of shelves should not overhang end brackets by more than eight inches.

Should shelf brackets be as wide as shelf? ›

How Big Do Shelf Brackets Need to Be? Shelf brackets can range from various sizes, from as little as 5 inches deep – for shelves holding books, to 24 inches for desktops and other large spaces. Typically it's a good idea to use brackets that are 1 inch shorter than the depth of the shelves.

How many brackets for a heavy shelf? ›

It very much depends on how long the shelf is, and how much weight the shelf is required to hold. However anything up to 140cm in length will only need 2 brackets. Anything over 140cm we tend to suggest 3 metal brackets just to be sure. The longer the shelf, the more weight and more items to hold.

What is the rule of thumb for shelf brackets? ›

The best rule to follow is this, keep the floating shelf bracket back bar 1/2" thinner than your shelf is thick. For example, if you are floating a 2” thick shelf, the ideal shelf bracket should have a flat back bar that is 1-1/2” wide.

How much weight can a shelf with brackets hold? ›

For every stud your bracket is attached to, your floating shelf can hold 50lbs. That means if you've got a three-foot shelf attached to two studs, your shelf can safely hold 100 lbs. If you've got a two-foot shelf attached to two studs, the same goes — it can hold 100 lbs.

How many brackets for a 60 inch shelf? ›

Quantity of Brackets
Shelf LengthQuantity of Brackets
0" -36"2
1 more row

Do shelf brackets go on the long or short side of the wall? ›

You should fit shelf brackets with the longer arm against the wall and the shorter one under the shelf. Remember, the length of the longer arm will show you how closely you can fit the shelves on top of each other.

How far from edge should brackets be for a shelf? ›

Start by deciding where you want your brackets, these are normally 5 to 10 cm from the edge of the shelf depending the on the size of the shelf. If you're putting up a long shelf it is worth considering using more than 2 brackets so that the shelf can support the weight and does not sag in the middle.

How far can a shelf extend past a bracket? ›

Limit shelf overhangs to no more than 12 inches. Masonry walls require inserting either expansion shields or lead anchors. Again, space the brackets every 16 inches for heavy loads and every 32 inches for lighter loads.

How many brackets do I need for a 72 inch shelf? ›

A: We recommend 4 brackets for a 72 inch shelf. 2 large brackets hold a 36 inch shelf that is 10 inches deep very well, and you will be happy with how 4 can hold a shelf this size.

How long should brackets be to shelf depth? ›

When installing wood brackets for a shelf, the minimum depth should be at least 2/3 the depth of the shelf. For example, if your shelf depth is 12 inches then chose a wood bracket that is at least 8 inches deep.

Are floating shelves better than brackets? ›

Easy to Install: Unlike traditional shelving units that require complex assembly, floating shelves are relatively easy to install with a few basic tools. Since they don't rely on visible brackets, they're left with a seamless, professional-looking installation with minimal effort.

How far should shelf span between brackets? ›

Single layer shelving made of particleboard should have a thickness of ⅝ inch. The recommended span for this would be 24 inches. If you have a thicker particleboard of ¾ inch then you can span wall supports by 28 inches.

Do shelf brackets need to be evenly spaced? ›

Depending on how wide your shelf is you will want to get at least 2 brackets on two wall studs. It is recommended to space your brackets out evenly and mount each one to a wall stud.

What is the ratio of brackets to shelves? ›

In general, you can use a 1:2 ratio of bracket to shelf length. So for a 36-inch shelf, you will need an 18-inch bracket. However, the minimum length for any shelf is 18 inches as the bracket must be able to straddle 2 studs minimum.

Where should brackets be on a shelf? ›

You should fit shelf brackets with the longer arm against the wall and the shorter one under the shelf. Remember, the length of the longer arm will show you how closely you can fit the shelves on top of each other. Tools for the job: A pipe, cable and stud detector.


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.