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48 AY DECEMBER 14 1944 WASHINGTON till KEpuMIc 1234 Jar Clislfled Tdnr TIMES HERALD Special Notlcei 130 Lost and ound Help Wanted Men Bids and Proposals uio xValdlna lore lOSIHy Spread Moonlit Bobby 114 Glenock Wlee Dean 108 Rex Avia co*ck Redskins' ilchock Annexes (sym) fruit var 30 Buries Lllaoto Dte 82 Hutson 11 IZ 14 the for 1410 410 L40 108 111 113 111 111 111 118 825 110 J8B Hutton Green Bay Sinkwlch Detroit Zimmerman Pteite 88 II 114 10107 111 115 110 110 109101 133 130120 128 113120130123 117 12011311811811811? Yrd 737 810 188 wraB' fitlfflffl S3BQ Yeiterday Asiwer 32 Harbors 33 ragrance 35 Bend over Harry Diduck Signs To Box Semifinal on Arena Card Monday Town Boy Little Bunny xleet Queen Gallant Dick Keene Advice xWee Bart Nnatatn and up 1 118 mllea PREP GRIDMEN END HARD DRILLS OR BIG GAME DO TOO NEED CASH? CALL WARIELD 3181 Trd 1131 340 1013 Gold Armor Nickel Stronghold Hand" Torch xRuditaums IMf aSoverton 10 Transferred as real estate 14 Part of be" 18 Impose aaatax 19 Those on one side (in a match) 20 Possess Atkinson Back rom Vacation Wins No 280 118 113 11 11J 1U 'MME ONDA rsiuiuu GITED PALMIST A CLAIRVOYANT Different from all others Reade and advises on business love luck health family past present future: whom and when you marry unhappy? Discouraged? Come now I will help overcome difficulties and attain your desires Studio first floor 731 11th St NW bet and H) JUST ABOVE PALAIS ROYAL EX 8309 3rd class pC licence rood workinc conditions Ice Cream Plant 1389 Half St SE 2821 TO ALL STOCKHOLDERS THE PEOPLES LIE INSURANCE COMPANY Nolle I hereby riven tbit Sper del Meeting of the Btockholfer of the Peoples Life Insurance Company wiU be held at 1348 Street Washington on the 26th day of December 1044 at 10:30 A the meeting to be called in the Wallace Chisweil Room No 203 for the following purposes: 1 To consider and act upon the matter of authorising the increase of the Capital Stock of the Company by transferring from the Surplus to the Capital Stock Account uch amount of increase in the Capital Stock 2 or the transaction of such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting By order of the Board of Directors on the 4th day of December 1944 WHITE Secretary (Continued from first sport page) Schrider of St and Carl Cutshall never appreciated the values of Max Lasell as throughly as he does right at this minute Any two or all four of these boys will be able to handle whatever assignments may be handed them in the big game Beetle browed Tony Musolino is going great guns at guard just as he did last year He loves to play football but he is finding out that Tim Ruhl of Landon is not lack ing in the stuff that makes foot ball players and so it goes right down the line New Yprk Turf Adds To Donations Hiking Total to $1892670 NEW YORK Dec 13 (UP) New five tracks and the United Hunts Association today contributed 9764231 to nine char ity organizations from their com bined nlne day Victory meeting held at Belmont Park last montn Chairman Herbert Bayard Swope of the Turf Committee of America made the presentation which brought New York contribution to charity to $1892 670 for the year The donation was an increase over 1942 and 1943 figures $856269 having been raised in 1942 and $1212846 last year The charities which benefited from the meeting were the Amer ican Red Cross including Army Relief the National War und United Hospital und the Greater New York und Catholic Charities ederation for the Sup port of Jewish Philanthropies Associated Protestant Welfare Agencies Navy Relief Society and the National oundation for Infantile Paralysis AU persons to bo hired tn this srea mutt be referred by the local United State Employment Service Office nnleu the specific advertisem*nt indicates otherwise APPRENTICE AIRCRAT MECHANICS TRANSCONTINENTAL A WESTERN AIR INC If you are mecuanically inclined over 'is years of age and willing to work hard we will train you to become an expert aircraft meehanie with a lii time future This program is limited APPLY IMMEDIATELY IN PERSON HANGAR NO 2 WASHINGTON AIRPORT Interviewing hours 9 am to 3 pm Monday through riday (Hiring ar approved) Pct1715837 BARBER AMERICAN APPLY RED CROSS BARBER SHOP Walter Reed Hospital BAGGAGE ROOM MAN Colored or white Part time or steady day work Good working conditions 6 day week Experience not necessary Call in person between 8 a and 4 pm at personnel office Ask for Mr Saul HOTEL STATLER 16th and Sts NW and Men WITH Cr permits to be trained for essential work This is a permanent job for men looking for a future See Mr Beynon or Mr Herrman between 10 am and 3 pm CALL CARL INC 614 St NW MIAMI la Dec 13 (UP) Ted Atkinson holding the racing spotlight in his bid to score 300 winners for the year returned to the' saddle at Gulfstream Park today after a two week rest and boosted his total to 280 riding a winner and a second in six trips to the port The veteran Canadian brought the crowd of 4075 fans to its feet at the start winning with Bright Camp paying $8 in the first race However he failed in his following three tries finishing out of the money before coming home second in the sixth event The" fans who wagered $273 690 on the program concentrated their interest in the $1500 Rhode Island Purse a six furlong sprint which was taken by the popular Smart Bet One of the most consistent per formers currently on the turf Smart Bet took command in the stretch and went on to score a length victory over ire Power Bringing his record to six victories in eight starts he netted his fans a payoff of $430 AIRCRAT TRANSCONTINENTAL AND WESTERN AIR Inc leet Service Helpers IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Young men to service airplanes Must be 17 yrs of age or over Opportunity to become apprentice aircraft me chanics Starting salary $125 per month Apply in person Hangar No 2 WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIR PORT Interviewing hours 9 am to 3 prtj Monday thru riday (Hiring arrangement approved) ttehnck Baugh Wash Luckman Cbl PaschaU Nr Grigas i Sinkwlch BARBER (COLORED) Part Time Ward Service APPLY RED CROSS BARBER SHOP Walter Reed Hospital Agent Industrial Life and A Debit No experience necessary: permanent position Our men average better than $60 per week Write Box 6 Gr Times Herald or phone ME 0708 Wounded Vets Will See Ice Skating Show A special skating program will be staged tonight at the Chevy Chase Ice Palace for 100 convales cent soldiers and sailors The program will feature Eileen Seigh of Brooklyn winner of the 1944 novice figure skating title ifty convalescents from Wal ter Reed Hospital and a like num ber from BethesdaNaval Hospital wlllbe guests 24 Little girt 25 Portion 26 Raccoon animals 27 Retrograde 38 Merriment 28 Microbe money 32 Belong to 34 North Caro Una (abbr) 35 ortification 36 Decay fiTDlsfigurt 39 Burrowing animal 40 Mature pereon 41 Greek poet 42 Dispatchee Personals awake' BY PHONE Dependable: $1 month DU 0101 PAPTRTTA ASTROLOGER LaauCjI 1A PSYCHOLOGIST Telia Oblec ol Call and Name Make no change without consulting her 40 CONTINUOUS LI CENSE IN gueranteea her accu racy end reliability Reasonable fee Consult the beet ME 6632 1351 MASS AVE Harry Didjick promising local lightweight how being directed by Victor Vallee former feather weight contender has been signed to appear Monday night at Tur Arena in the semifinal match in support of the Bee Bee Washington Ossie Harris nine round bout Billy Miller rousing young lightweight from Pittsburgh is being sought as oppo nent Diduck has been meeting such competition as Al Guido Sal Bartolo and Johnny field recently ELECTRICAL REPAIRMEN Are Urgently Needed by THE PULLMAN CO Bee Mr Richardton Rm 806 Union Station or Ur8 Railroad Retirement Board 301 St NW Seeks Sunday Game The Trinidad A footbaU team is seeking a Sunday game with a team in the 135 pound class Call Lincoln S821 Claude Smith Impresses Claude Smith 6 foot 3 inch end from Washington Lee who took the place of Jim Green when he was forced to withdraw from the practices due to injuries looms as one of the starting ends and is battling to the finish with Dick Layton of Central for this honor Roger Raybold Anacostia star also is being considered for a starting "berth Another Washington Lee line man Calvin ord has won the praise of Head Coach Bergman and assistants Harry Deming and Al Doran through his great play in the last two scrimmages Calvin was selected on the Times Herald Of ficial All High team Drayer Is Outstanding Clarence Drayer 195 pound tackle picked on the second team has been showing a lot of fight and hustle necessary for a tackle and has been a standout both on offense and defense during the scrimmage sessions Clarence 5 foot 10 is one of the fastest line men on the squad Gene Gould Western halfback may win a starting berth for his all around ability in the backfield He not only passes but is a very good blocker and hits the oppo line with a great amount of drive for his 160 pounds Billy Sinclair George Washing ton High blocking back and loyd Bice of Washington Lee appear evenly matched for the blocking role Ronnie Kent Anacostia's great passing back has shown well in the blocking back posi tion He may earn a starting position and with his passing ability would be a great asset to the team The fullback spot an important one on any team has developed into a two way race between Andy Davis of Tech and Ed Chamock line plunger Davis at present appears set for the berth but Chamock has been showing plenty of speed Drill in Sea of Mud Bergman sent the boys through their drills yesterday in a sea of mud and stressed passing and sig nal drills before he designated a team to work the Bullis jays' A short scrimmage ended the drills in which Donnie Dinkins and Jack Bobb continued to break away for considerable gains Joe Buell Tech halfback con tinued to shine in the role of passer as he consistently hit his target Buddy Hart and Kenny r3 Hazel also took part in the passing drill Ernest Bertolini and Sonny Settle both injured in scrimmage took part in yester workout THOS OWEN A0N Auctioneer 435 Southern Building CHATTELSAT AUCTION SALE VALUABLE RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT CONTAINED WITHIN PREM ISES No 2409 BENNINGS ROAD NORTHEAST CONSIST ING BOOTHS TABLES CHAIRS LAMPS SHOW CASES STEAM TABLE RANGES RE RIGERATOR COOLERS ANDOTHER ITEMS TOGETHER WITH PLUMBING IXTURES USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE RESTAURANT BUSINESSBy virtue of certain chattel deed of trust dated Junj 4 1943 being instrument No 1531 recorded June 30 1943 among the land records of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction within the Office of Thos Owen A Son Room 435 Southern Building 15th Streets Northwest ON MONDAY THE EIGHTEENTH DAY DECEMBER AD 1944 at 2:00 PM all of the restaurant equipment as set forth in the above mentioned chattel deedof trust and contained within remises No 2409 Bennings Road ortheast TERMS: Entire equipment to bet gold aa an entirety All cash at time of sale All parties In interest pleaee take notice JOHN McKENNA Trustee dec 12 1416 83600 I13M 718 svu 850 Ohm xBoss Bull xPark Zetta Doubtful Row Down Beat Oradea Queen 117 Nues 130 ILS One year Six months Three months On month Ona week Auction Sales 43 Hollow horned ruminants DOWN 1 Enclose in acase 2 Border 3 Regions 4 Turn to the right 5 Plural ending 23 Eject 6 Hindu garments '1 Sacred bull (Egypt) 8 Monetary unit (Latvia) MADAM KOMEL Gifted clairvoyant palmist and a trologlst Reveals your life's inner most secrete past present and tu tor 'giving names dates and facta about business health love marriagend family affairs Tells whom and when you will marry If the one you love to true or false reunitea the a parated causes happy and speedy marriages overcomes enemies evil influences and bad luck so yon can win the one you love Help guar an teed Hra 10 9 daily Sun 11 5 825 14th NW Bet HAL RE 8291 5 I Players I Pushed for High Starting Berths By CARROLL HALL Timw Henld Start Writer i Reputation players may be forced to step aside Saturday when the Metropolitan All High football team lines up for its All Scholastic game with the All Preps at Griffith Several youngsters who failed to gain All High recognition yet who have shown tremendous bursts of speed in the daily work outs at Central Stadium promise to land starting jobs in the All High lineup COOK APPLY IN PERSON TO CHE HOTEL WASHINGTON 15TH AND PENN AVE NW ROAST COOK position top salary Apply Chef CARLTON HOTEL 16th and NW Mary's Lullaby 113 xAlca Gal 167 US aLtttle Nina Trvannui xSaasia LMiletllO lying HaraL Pacoima Reddy 118 aVlgoroao 118 Leo Hanrahan of St has been terrific A strapping kid who had waded right lhf otigh all opposition Leo has just about won the job at end But just let it go at for nothing Is set tled yet 'as Coaches Lamond Grossman Askins and Richards still may decide on some other boy Billy Earl is a triple threat back and will start at left half back barring unexpected develop ments But when Earl is resting the punting assignment will be placed in the hands of Paul Dur kin of St ELEVATOR OPERATOR Apply In person Offlea MAYLOWER HOTEL CONN ted DE SALES 8T NW Double 113 Smart Bit110 Loma Mar Kate lit Glory Time 110 Kid inish 118 Sale Sister ayeff Pipeliner Penny incher Sno of Tarra Thor Barton Meat Ball Lochneaa Roman Red Aldridge Ovando Herods Pilate JACONDA Aiea GaL lying Junior AT Run Gal Run Charlie Bans Quota Mark i Princess Rhoda" Lostagal Musical Jack Pacoima Metsgers Joe Saule Lassie Moonllte Bobby Cavallena Baytree Rope Sugar Roll Joharis Infinity Sheik DOUBLE Aprllia Smart Bit Stitch Again MorazU If If Judas Joe Minecap Radio Moral 1181 115! 110 118 118 115 39 Cry of cow jg Oom female 9 A one seeded 29 lower 41 Mercury relatives 20 Undivided 21 Type measure 1 Evening (poet) 23 Was in debt 24 Speak 25 Play on words 26 Stiffly decorous 28 uel 29 nlckilame Enna eddo BH3DEEI3HE ED as qekj ana H2DE0 asriEE ranaD saas wnra dob am hh fiaacaamE CHUB 0ES3 cr Washing rank ilchock the tender age of 23 and COMMISSIONERS WMhlnir ton December 14 Sealed pro gsaU will be received in Room 509 istrict Building until 2 pm EWT December 22 1944 and then publicly opened for furnishing and installing a Water Softening System for the Oil Burning Heating Riant including al terations and additions for same at the Gallinger Municipal Hospital 19th and Sts SE Proposals plans and specifications pay be obtained at the Office of Chief Clerk Engineer De partment Room 427 District Building COMMISSIONERS Washing ton December 12 1944 Sealed pro posals will be received Room 509 District Building 14th Street and Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington 4 until 2 pm EWT Decem ber 29 1944 and then publicly opened and read for constructing a Twg Million Gallon Elevated Steel Water Tank in the vicinity of Alabama and Boulevard Avenues SE Proposal form plans and spccificstlunR be obtained al Room 427 District Building Tot 0 81 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Semblance 6 Dish of greens and dressing 11 Nostrils 12SwUtly 13 American Indian 14 Twist violently 15 Magistrate (Turk) 16 Wreathes as of flowers 17 nick name Personals CLA1BV0YANTS 111111 81ter xortunatus 163 in xTreemontier 116 GARAGE WORKERS Hours 3 pm to midnight: part er full time large essential budnem good working conditions and benefile See Mr Burgess 9 am to 5 pun Mr Jordan 5 pm to midnight 131 QUB BT NW OICE CLERKS Allae Atlas Bldg 9th 4 HELPERS $45 WEEK Steady all year round tor reliable man: white: essential: advancement 'Mostly night work Exhaustduct Squirmer RAtrh Relzh xPrinceae RhodallO Prieweep 116 Harvaethel 10 Kokomo 11 i Lostagal 116 xDtnas Boy 113 Pro League Passing Crown CHICAGO Dec 13 Youth took a back seat to age to day as the Professional National ootball League crowned its in 'dividual chain pions for the 1944 season With the ex ception of one relative young ster BUI Pas "Chal'T of the New York Giants the honor roll bU lets such house hold names as Green Don New Ken and at with only one year of professional Dau behind mm raacnai won ground gaining championship (COLORED) Day and night shifts open See A Johnston Engineer 3000 Conn NW b4 May Start for All High Team Ronald Kent of Anacostia looms as a starter for the All Highs when they tackle the All Preps Saturday at Griffith Stadium' Kent is a blocking back TimHerid photo HEMORRHOIDS eradicated painlessly by my own methods Results effec tive for lifetime or money back Write for booklet Dr Sommerwerck 4521 I6th St NW RA 4747 HOMESICK wants to tend rhil dren in home Christmas' and New Year Eve Write Box 50 Times Herald 1 WILL not be respon for debts or oblige made by others than myself Richard owler 5000 Cathedral Av PHONE Miss Wright SH 3680 if you are In need of loan up to $300 nn tour Hrnatnre WILL CARE for children 8t any age Reasonable Vienna 268 2 Route No 3 Box 52 Vienna Va OOD CHECKER Good pay Good working condition Apply head checker MAYLOWER HOTEL CONN AT DE SALES ST OOD CLERKS Permanent positions with exceUent opportunities for advancement Your chance to get established in a largedorganisation in the field of retail footLs distribution Apply SAEWAY STORES EMPLOYMENT OICB 4th A Streets NE "Hiring airange ments approved" ood Counter Clerks 18 OB OVEB We will train you for essential work 3 on our food Counters helping to feed Washington war workers: ood pay: salary while learning: uniforms fur Dished and laundered free Apply at any PEOPLE DRUG STOKES or Olflre 77 St NE 1 Chef Apply Onre 1308 St NW I HERALD SQUARE INN CIGAR CLERKS Experienced exempt from drift A ply Mr Bexmy a to Paa UNION DRUG CO Union Station COLORED MAN To work in laundry on extractors and 4 tumblers See Mr Lillard Capital Towel Service Co I 1117 20th St i COLORED MEN Experience sot necessary: work good pay Apply Mr Ambroeo MANHATTAN LAUNDRY 1328 lor 1 Ida Ave NW COLORED MEN or all types of restaurant Jobe: cellent salary and meals Applic must have statement of availab: WASHINGTON RESTAURANT Al 2003 Eye St NW No Business Opportunities ANY BUSINESSES WANTED Restaurants gas stations beauty shops grocery or WHAT HAVE YOU OR BALE? I can sell your business if priced right Phone or see me EDWIN ELLIS "Long Established Business Broker" 1010 Vermont Ave Room 217 RE 5140 CHECKROOM concession for sale: 9 months to go Wonderful opportunity to right party Inquire 8 12 by ri day Mr Raymond Ruby oo's 728 13th St NW TO BUY OR SELL ANY BUSINESS Satisfactory and Prompt Results Thurm A Silver 90S 10th NA 9654 WANT TO SELL your property? See JOHN McKENNA 1429 I St NW Baytrse Rose 1 05 Timocracy 108 Small Chatter 108 Valdina Love 108 ITH 3 Speedy Show 104 Infinity Sheik 107 Little Trouble 107 iery Justice 116 Pnrowft 118 SIXTH 2 8 furlongs Ticklngatlt lid Lady Eccleston119 Barbara Miss 113 ii119119 COUNTERMEN fi Essential lob Get to touch with Sww 6600 during office hours Little Tavern Shops' Ina 2 "AMOUS OB HAMBURGEBS 5 DAIRY ROUTE MEN Slx day week: minimum $4825: efr sen Hal work paid while learning Apply to MR DuVE 9 am to 5 PA EMBASSY DAIRYINC 1620 irst St NW DAY ELEV OPR (COL) 't Also night janitor good pay antfcuH 7 room Apply in person 818 CLEAN UP MAN Colored Must understand short orders I 502 St NW COAL TRUCK DRIVERS Permanent position in essential in dustry Apply RINALDI COAL CO INC 649 Rhode Island Ave NE COLORED dishwashers wanted pm to 1 am Good ealary Apply Dave and Restaurant 1616 Qu St NW NO 0278 Help CASHIER Hours 6 to midnight no Sunday work Steady job good pay Apply Madril Ion Restaurant Washington Buildmg 15th and New York Ave PORTERS EXCELLENT OPPOBTUNITIM OB PRITISH MISSIONS 1107 16TH ST NW Apply all week Employment offle open Monday through riday 9 to 6 Saturday 9 to 1 Hiring Arrangements Approved 1 uel Oil Truck Driver Good ware rerular hour and ataadX work Sea Mr Good at 1241 Iteaf aJ St NE AppUcanta muat bare from USES PubUhad Dal 1 and Sunday Entered at the Poa Office Waahinrva a eoeood olaaa mail matter 1817 8 St MW 4EpubUcl284 ElMnor Pattaraon EdltorPnbUb BATES BY OABKIEB IN CITY AREA uauyano Dally Sunday Sunday J78O S52U 1300 300 200 lure 06 46 J6 '40 Cake GravyIll ITH 2 fnrlonra Army Glider 1111 xBtark of Peace 110 Son ot Tarra Ill Penny PlnehrllS Darky Duncan 1101 Thor Barton Ill ft up i mn xMeet Beil Ill xRoman Red 101 Gremlin 107 the second straight year in con trast to the following veterans: Hutson 31 playing his tenth season of professional football captured his fifth consecutive scoring title" and his fourth straight pass receiving champion ship Strong 38 windifig up his eleventh was the No 1 field goal artist while ilchock 28 ending his fifth seasenr took tha paMing cham pionship from teammate Sammy Baugh me imai standings: 4 RnRHTNn Atpt York 190 Card Pitt 185 Datroit 150 PASSING Atpt Com WMhV147 14 140 83 '143 71 SCORING Staretor Turn tabla Boy Pal xApprentice allowance claimed Weather clear track faat A UP Selections AT GULSTREAM ortunatua After Lunch Miaa eovery Mlnedda Tyrone Wee Bart CAR CLEANERS Are Urgently Needed by THE PULLMAN CO Apply to Mr Richardton Rm 806 Union Station or 8 Railroad Ba tirement Board 801 St NW CAR WASHERS fe PORTERS No experience needed: good salary: essential induatry Apply Garage CHESTNUT ARMS DAIRY 3241 Proepeet Ave NW (Hiring arranga mente approved) Car Washers Porters Anly felly GUL OIL COBP 14th and Kenyon 8 to NW BLC0D DONORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Type Call Mitt Kantor Guest House Walter Reed Hospital GE 9727 Hours 9 to 2 and 4 to 7 CASH advanced on pawn tickets dia woods watches jewelry silverware and antiques Livingston A Co 1423 St NW MB 8440 CIRCLE CLUB Dances where friends meet and strangers feel at home De tails phone 7 10 pm 0590 SIXTH 3 Archie105 xPtstol Pete110 Crimson Tlde H5wTnh Nam 110 SEVENTH 8 and Up 1 1 16 Ovando 1151 PIlatellB aOne Link 117l Aldridge 116 Briar Play 1161 Sun Banner 106 Son of Heeia 1161 aBowman and Archer entry EIGHTH 8 A up 1 1 18 miles xR'man Matron xuiTaAni4a 111 Adventurous 110 xPlayful PaL lylag Junior 116 DRIVERS AND EXPRESS HANDLERS Under WMC regulations Apply RaO 1 road Retirement Employment Offio' 301 St NW DRIVERS (2) for dry cleaning plant: good pay vacation and legal holiday paid RUBENSTEIN CO 1220 23rdV St NW RE 1524 5 Express handlers 83646 for 44 hours Mr Cob line 8 am to pm RAILWAY EX PRESS AGENCY 2d and Eye Sts NE BOYS white 16 years of age or over as helpers on folding ma chine JUDD A DETWEILER INC Eckington Pl and lorida Ave NE BRAKEMEN Needed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for work in Washington muat comply with WMC regulations Apply Railroad Retirement Board 301 St NW or White Genera) Yardmaater A Railroad 4th and Sts NE BRICKLAYERS wanted at once Day work or contract Call MI 7852 BUS AND STREETCAR OPERATORS Average earnings up to $60 per week Postwar future with promotional opportunity Es sentiaj work Experience not neces sary: training paid tor Plenty ot work: paid vacation: free transporta tion: congenial fellow workers Many other well paying jobs open Apply mornings CAPITAL TRANSIT CO 36tb and Prospect Ave NW George town Route 20 Cabin Johnafiodoor (Hiring arrangements approved BUS BOYS Good salary Apply Mr Costello 400 RESTAURANT 1433 ST NW BUTCHER Reliable sober good salary good hmira rood working conditions CATHEDRAL MARKET 3000 Conn Ave CO 4760 lollywood Entries POST 6 PM IRST 3 4 up 4 furtonf Cruauyn xRed Chariot xAvengethorn xValley lag Ballury OiiApn Mark Va11n JttafIIS Ran irtlRnn Oal Run SECOND 3 A up 1ft mllea scotch Hign xServant Maid xDarby Dean March Sun vICvap Rinca axAva Demand 107 Musical Jack 113 Words118 aCopenhaver and Davis entry THIRD yr 6 furlongs Gold Daaaie HOI xseiter Xioiriw XMetzgers jos Nsrnby Pass 118 xBrog Baby 113 Huckle De BuckllS Al Bargello 118 Tall Chance 418 Dhirfnv 11 8 aLatimer and Gilmore entry OURTH 3 up 6 furlonga Cavallena 108 Silent Tick 117 I iXA 108 114 xTy Raker 104 Helma PrideIll Balko Bud 123 Wee Bit Ill and up IM mllea Sugar Roll lit Indian Road116 avor 117 Happy Guess132 Joharfe 1113 Gulfstream Entries POST 1:30 PM IRST nd op farlonci xTni Lan103 Ml Dlcovry lll lift xMonay Mum 113 xAftr Lunch MIuQB UI1U A14 jiiovuiuuuvi SECOND 3 up: 6 furlongs xetcnings Hanoi Valdina Rocket114 Valdina Phao112 xMy Bray 104 Tyrene 117 playante Hl xMlnedda 109 'purmn Door Yock 1071 SSwell Time 103 Ogoody 110 xGnllah 108 xOn the Double 1041 xBowllng Green 113 OURTH 3 A up I furlongs xayen xuo iiwon xDark Mischief 115 Riot Call niMiiw iin ZOEE RAY PALM ANALYST STUDIO 127 ST SE 'Pussled? Consult Zoee She will analyse your hand and you By ap pointment only AT 2209 Personals CLAIRVOYANTS AYE ADVISER If in need of advice or help consulte Hoursr 10 9: SunM 10 2 8632 Georgia Ave Silver Spring Md MME LANE MEDIUM GIVES NAMES DATES AND AC14 GUARANTEES to read your entire ule Tells who and when you'll marry makes quarrel and family troubles what business and place is luckiest tor you If in trouble she can help you Hours daily Sunday 9 9 Beadinn $1 DI 7285 503 12TH ST NW NEXT TO 8 ST Hollywood Results IRST Six furlong OK Chirll (Cook) 11340 1710 Lady Yvonn 810 lUa (Tamm) School Row Shasta Tussle Angel Cholly Scotch Mist Quick Agent Bell Supply Steady Now Joyful Mias Hick ory Knot also ran Time 1:13 1 6 SECOND 4 furlonf' Big Baaln (J Bailey) 14040 (1200 (810 Certie (Adams) 410 380 BostonMaud (WBailey) 350 Kirwin Tropic Zone Cool Off Catch menow My Impulse Mistress Plato Helen I Clayburne Training Camp also ran Time 1:05 45 THIRD RACE Six furlonga Valdina Gloss (Bailey) 9640 470 8380 Watch Hennr (Corbett) 2880 1440 Topseida (Pierson) 870 Jack Metsger aCat Lady Chic Jacket Vegas Hijacker Sun Wheel Our Guesa Bar Beechie aPotemkln Exit also ran Time 1:13 (a Gamble entry) OURTH Six furlong 81390 8810 8500 Lady (CB'nco) 310 380 Iwelsta (Jones) 780 Mexlcana Court Law Xeno Sun Skills man Our Sponsor Newhall Bill Mon ahan Bonltea and Pleasure Hour also ran Time 1:11 1 5 ITH Six furlongs After School (Bailey) 8980 8500J400 Vegas Chance (Turk) 6:80 400 Bubbling Image (Pson) 490 Doctor Reder Time War ergles Count Koraline Valdina Due Hard Pone Damask Rose Triple Bar Pari Brab also ran Time 1:11 2 5 SIXTH Mile Queen Justice 83780 1180 380 Comcatchme 870 390 War Bolt (Westrope) 330 Shuffle Toe My Empire roilnre Saranap Bulolo also ran Time 1:44 1 5 SEVENTH Mlle end sixteenth ort Ben (Zehr) 81010 8420 9840 Capt Absolute 300 380 Devalue (White) 410 Natlvo ox ranworth Persian Heel New rontier Shuffle also ran EIGHTH RACE Mlle and sixteenth Beret Basque (Adams) 8770 8580 8480 Kane Springs 2630 1880 Bougheree (Neves) 400 Hot Racket Off Shore Magic Sword Bo Glory Jewel Minute Girl Play lash Two Ton Tony and Beau Catcher also ran Time 1:44 8 5 YOUR lost ad in the Times Herald appears in both morning and evening papers for one price CALL MISS PAGE RE 1234 or lost or wanted animals NO573U KIM AL Kaseus League 71 NW BROOCH $125 REWARD Diamond and platinum dbl clip lost Dec 7 vic 16th and Que NW or 600 block of St NW Wash or Colesville Rd Hyattovilte UN 5385 white about 10 inches square contains lady's new' brown bandbag lipstick compact etc: $15 rew EM3123 or write 98 Times Herald BLACK billfold wjth Elk's insignia: identification papers and money lost on Potomac St car rew 9743 BLACK purse regulation RE 6700 Ext 2880 Pvt Augusta ExtineBRACELET set io gold topaz Re war EM 3463 CHIHUAHUA male brown named vic Calvert and Conn riday Rew Mr Elizondo CO 3781 DIAMOND ring lost downtown or vic 14th Sts NW: rew 7925 DOG co*cker spaniel black lost vic 35th St A 1 yr old: no collar or tag: answers Nicki Rew EM 5309 DOG male Wire Haired ox Terrier white brown and black spots 2 yrs lost vic Rockville Pike Bethesda Reward Wl 0932 DOG white cross between Spits and Poodle SE or NE section: answera by very friendly: reward 119 44th Pl SE 8948 DRAGON fly pin lost Balto Army and Navy game Reward Wl 5129 EARRING topaz gold lost in taxi off 15th St to Wyoming Ave on riday Dec 8 Reward Call NO 8936 OUND Dog co*cker Spaniel young male collar no tag at 19thsand La mont SU NW MI 4087 OUND dog collie or shepherd brown and white: black spot on tail Vic Takoma Pk Md Rabies tab No 93083 SL 0065 OUNTAIN pen gold filigree lost engraved Rufus from "Bianca Rew 161J Hnhart St QO 7097 GAS Ration Books A for 1941 Buick Please call Payne 8P 0631 LADY'S pocketbook containing Gaa Ration Book A valuable papers and $01 in cash: keep money return ra tion book and papers GE 5988 LOST UW overseas blue cap Sun eve Dec 10 7:30 pm inder call ME 5825 about 6 pm Reward LOST lady's blue serge cape in taxi Monday pm Reward OR 6537 LOST rhinestone pendulum ear rings in front of Stoneleigh Court or in lobby reward NA 2013 OLDSMOBILE 1940 46171 Va tag No 263 901 light green 2 door sedan front of actory red ericksburg Va rl 8th reward AT 3430 PACKAGE lost just received from Post Office on 17th Penna Ave bus NE or riendship Hgte car Be ward 6727 aPERSON who picked up my black purse by mistake at 1107 4th St SW Pleaee return contents and watch keey money no questions asked Mrs Hoofnagle 1721 SL SE LT 7211 POCKETBOOK black fabric at Union Station Small amount cash Important papers and War Dept identif papers Phone Bacon GL 7919 PURSE lady's black between St Va Ave on Sth SE: ration books billfold: reward AT 8573 RATION Gas Books A and issued to Mrs Lucile Koontz Dresden StH Kensington Md RED alligator purse containing wallet and around $35 or $40 picture of personal value glasses (needed) Bu reau of Standards badge compact lip stick comb etc Reward No quee tions asked if returned all intact OL 2475 RING Navy insig adhesive taped Capitol Theater Mon night Sent value Rew RE 6700 Ext 0220 before 5:30 TR 1009 after :30 RING gold blue stone ceri ter lost Sat Dec 9: rew WO 9093 diamond lost 20th StNW between Penna A Sts NW or on between 10th 20th Sts NW $100 reward for return Call RE Doctor Eichenlaub RATION books Nos 3 4 Reward Return 920 Pl NW Apt No 2 STAKE sides (or sometimes called tail gates) for dark blue IH ton Dodve truck somewhere between Rockville and Silver Spring Md Re ward Lofstrand Co 959 Selim Rd Silver Spring Md SH 1106 STRING of pearls vic Georgia Ave and Colesville Sentimental value at tached Reward Mrs Dietz SH 7700 daytime RA 3928 evee WALLET marine lost 12th A Pa Ave NW bus terminal 1319 Mass Ave NW ME 6632 WRIST watch lady's Bulova link bd Mon rew WA 6900 aft 9 pm $10 REWARD lor return of papers luiaci JOBt ouv 01 xjujck coupe sun day afternoon On 8th St NW with or without briefcase Return to 1017 Investment Bldg or phone EX 3404 UEL OIL 1 TRUCK DRIVER Permanent position In an essential? and postwar industry RINALDI COAL CO INC 649 Rhode Wand Ave NE GARAGE MAN (COLORED) for general work and car washing "around Jam ARCADE SUNSHINE CO 713 Lamont St NW BOY or delivery of dental eupplies Muat be neat and reliable LOCKWOOD DENTAL SUPPLY CO 1722 Eye St NW BOY OR MAN Good Hours Good Salary OB HANDY WORK AND DRIVING MUST BE RELIABLE APPLY BEORE 11 AM BERTRAM SHRIER Ltd 1147 CONN AVE NW AGE 16 TO 20 or delivery of telegrams for West ern Union either with or without bicycles full time day or after school work Apply Room 200 WESTERN UNION 1 SIT New York Av BOY (WHITE) Age 16 or 17 for stock room work No experience required but must be dependable and willing: 5 day week $100 a month to start promotion Personnel Department HO 2476 Dishwashers Glasswashers Apply Employment Ortlce Uh ployes entrance WILLARD HOTEL 1 14TH ST AND PA AVE NT ftl DO YOU NEED EXTRA MONEY! You can earn 850 to 8100 par mo extra and at the same time help tiuflA the war effort by learning to op erate a streetcar or bus Experience not necessary We teach you and pay you while learning Training may be taken during free houra Sunday work not compulsory Need men for part time work able to re port for work weekdays between am and 7:30 am and then work for aeveral hours at leakt 3 moro Inga per week Also those able to report between 3 and 8 pm and'1 work at least 8 or 4 hours at a at least 8 afternoons or sventags a week Apply weekday mornings CAPITAL TRANSIT COMPANY 1 86th A Prospect Ave Ww George town or Thursday evening between 6 pm and 8 pun at Boom 221 2d floor 1416 SL NWw next door to Wlllard Hotel (Hiring arrange ments approved) DRIVERS HELPERS Steady work 44 hour week leoi working conditions: weekly alary S4391 weekly jalary J3882 Apply Mr Hammett Railway Expreea Atency 24 end 8t NE DRIVERS Steady year round employ ment eeaential induatry Apply hr "'11person Highway Expree Line and Stg NE Gulfstream Results Ona mile 7 Brlyht Camp (Atklnon)IIOO 80 Bloodhound (Chartin) 70 SM Razor Sharp (Skoronakl) Ventura Maid Onemore Cuth Pomlva also ran SBGOND furlongs 7 77 Memphis Dave (Scocca)8450 8320 8260 Hot Nlfht (HKley) 18 870 Choice (Layton) Mla Economy Molly" Rue Toll Away Red igure High Priority Reclamation Josephine also ran DAILY DOUBLK $4410 THIRD RACE Three quarters mile Carmel 8680 8440 8300 Hayai Tinty 670 270 Air Power (Yocum) a 230 8 Grier Libyan Star and Phana tam also ran Time 1:18 2 5 OURTH Six furlongs Nostradamus (Nichola) lying Ned (Meade) AWin DUUV (XIUVL Ankylos Jujube David Jr lao ran ITH Six furlongs Smart Bet (Milla) 10 8410 8250 ire Power (Roberta) 780 410 Bottlo Imp (Scoca) 160 Jimmie Good Going Sophocloa SIXTH Milo and 70 yards Albuldo (Clark) 8708 HM 8870 Elray (Atkinson) 480 420 Dairy Lady (Meade) 480 Ksterita Mercury Omaha Mlk also ran TOTAL MUTUEI28Jte SEVENTH Six furlongs Nowadays (Young) 8840 8320 82 70 Belwyn (Root) 370 330 Gomel (Higley) M9 Jolistte Vegas Jim Toy Bomb Motle Brand Hywlck Valdina Math also ran TOTAL $2410 EIGHTH Mlle and an eighth Straw Stack (Yocum) 86408310 3 00 Juanita (ischer) 430 370 Riverbank (Pfttarelli) Shot One Prospect Boy Golden Mow loo Brslnsaflre also ran Time 1:63 4 5 TOTA S26JO AUDITOR OR MEDIUM SIZE HOTEL HOTEL EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE GOOD OPPORTUNITY BOX 84 TIMES HERALD AUTOMOTIVE PARTS CLERK Some cashiering Excellent salary Ap ply Mr Wilbur RED MOTOR CO 4101 Kansas Ave NW AUTO PARTS stockman experienced Good pay steady work Apply Ga rage Chestnut anns Dairy 3241 Prospect Ave NW Hiring arrange ment approved 8 Aprilia April Moon SEVENTH 3 up furlongs Holo Babe Radio Joe aMoranl Gay Dalton Johnny Holt Hysterical UAnAnat Psraaun 1141 Stitch Again wiki am VU EIGHTH 3 and up: IK nJlM xGllnt Devil lll Slerr Park 114 11 1 Jna Ifit 122 xWoo Son 103 1131 Minecap 108 113 Radio Morale 133 DISHWASHER MARSHALL'S RESTAURANT 822 ST NE Dishwashers and Bus Boyfl Good pay no Sunda work See Harry Lazaras DIAMOND SERVICE RESTAURANT 101 St NE 12 I 5 4 A vn 1 io iT' IB 20 Ws 5T" 40 4S a.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.